Purpose Tuesday June 6, 2017


Greetings Beloved

“Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?” were two of the questions raised on yesterday.  The answer to those questions lie in the thoughts we wake up with.  Did anyone stop and noticed what they woke up thinking about this morning?  Were you surprised at what it revealed?  Make an effort to notice what you wake up thinking about each morning the rest of this week. 

Why do I say make an effort to notice it?  Because acting on our thoughts is so natural to us, we just follow them without thinking about them or examining what they are saying to us.  But by paying close attention to what we wake up thinking about, reveals a lot about us.  It gives us a snapshot of what is important to us and motivating us each day of our life.  Noticing what we are thinking about as we wake up each day, will help us to see what we are living for. 
A second question raised on yesterday was “what do you suppose Jesus thought about as He woke up each day?”.  By examining the life of Jesus in the Gospels, we can imagine He arose each day thinking about His assignment for His Father.  Paul says “Let the same mind and thoughts be in you that was also in the mind and thoughts of Christ Jesus” – Philippians 2:5.  What Jesus thought and thinks should be what we think. 

I believe Jesus thought each day about making progress on what His Father sent Him to do.  Surely, He thought about and did lots of things, but nothing more importantly or consistently than what He was doing for His Father.  They were His purpose and His reason for being.  His thoughts about His mission and assignment for Our Father gave His life meaning, focus and purpose.  So, let me ask you again “What is giving your life meaning, focus and purpose?”  Wake up this week and think about it.  You might be surprised at what you find!


Pastor Jordan