The Shepherd’s Voice
The Shepherd’s Voice is one of our pastor’s communications extension to the Church, our friends and the world.  He uses it as a way to reach out to our faith community while providing spiritual insight and perspectives to the sermon messages and events and issues of our day.  We are welcomed and encouraged to comment on any of the messages by clicking the “Fine or Main Point” link you want to comment on, going to the bottom of the page and filling in and Submitting the Reply at the end of the message.  Most of the blogs have audio playback so we can listen to as well as read them.  We hope you are blessed and inspired by our Shepherd’s Voice.

Fine Points Monday June 15 2020


Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “Blessed Are The Peacemakers”. 

The United States declared its independence as a sovereign nation in 1776 with the declaration of independence.  The nation was founded upon high ideals that were doomed to failure from the inception of the nation. 

The declaration affirmed that God created all men equal and that God endowed them with self-evident and undeniable rights which includes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  In order for the states to come together they compromised these ideals.  By excluding some people and entitling other people in the newly founded nation, the seeds of racism, discrimination, terrorism, murder and injustice were sown. 

Two hundred and forty-four years later, the United States is a nation that set aside the founding high ideals and has allowed racism to embed its evil poison in our society.  Racism devalues the life of others who are different, but are none the less human.  Racism is what fueled the merciless killing of Native Americans in order to displace them and take possession of the land they were living on. 

Racism is what allowed an entire group of people to be kidnapped, enslaved, bought, sold, treated like animals, raped, lynched, taken from their families, discriminated against, denied protection of the law and barred from economic opportunities given to others.  This legacy is what is behind the devaluation of life and the murder of black people at the hands of police and others without being held accountable for their actions.  

Where there is a denial of justice, there will be not be peace.  The injustices at the heart of racism are at the forefront of a national discourse and demonstrations aimed at ending practices and policies that don’t treat people equally.  There is a lot of tension among Americans as the ugly legacy of racism is exposed between those who have and continue to benefit and those who have and continue to suffer from the effects. 

As Christians, we must detach ourselves from this situation and become objective in honestly looking at the facts and confronting the evil that has prevented people from living together as equals.  Our role at this time is to be peacemakers.  By being peacemakers, we seek to find ways to bring calmness and restfulness. 

We are in the world, but not of the world.  We are in America, but not of America.  While we live here, our stay is only temporary and not our home.  We are called to bring healing, justice, life, liberty, equity and happiness in a peaceful way among the people we find ourselves living among. 

We are called to help this nation live up to the high ideals and truths upon which it was founded, but has failed to achieve.  In the days, weeks, months and years to come, let all who call themselves and are called the children of God be peacemakers as we strive to help Americans and mankind live out the truth that all people are created equal and endowed by God with certain unalienable rights. 

Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices.  Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments


Pastor Jordan



Fine Points Monday June 8 2020

Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “Advancing Self-Interest”. 
As nationwide and global protest continue in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minnesota police officers, I was led to a passage in the book of Amos that addressed social injustice and inequality.  After their split from the house of David, the 10 tribes who departed set up their own nation in the North. 
Not long thereafter, they descended into idolatry and selfishness.  It became every person for themselves as they sought to prosper by any means necessary.  They became corrupt and perverted justice.  They exploited and oppressed the poor only to advance their own self-interest.  They maintained a semblance of worship, but is was pretentious and lacked genuineness. 
God decried their worship and warned them to repent of their doings by allowing justice to come down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream.  This was a frequently quoted passage of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in some of the messages and speeches he gave in his struggle to secure human and civil rights for not only American citizens, but people everywhere. 
Fifty-two years after his death, people are still in the streets of America and around the world calling for justice.  Justice is holding people accountable for the injuries they cause to others and society.  Far too long many in the mostly white evangelical church have remained silent and enabled injustice by empowering those who stand in the way and block the efforts of those who are and have been oppressed. 
As long as their own interest are protected and advanced, they close their eyes and stop their ears to the sights and sounds of injustice and unrighteousness all around us.  God told Israel to remove their phony worship from His presence.  God, through this pandemic, is saying the same thing to the church today.  It has removed our corporate worship from His presence. 
Just like He told Israel, He is telling the church today to stop advancing your self-interest and begin to hold people accountable for their injurious deeds and seek fairness and equity for all.  And not only that, many of our lives mirror the sinful, selfish lives of those we are called to witness to and serve.  We have no drawing power to righteous and holy living because others can’t see it in us. 
All to often we only see in the church how it is going to benefit me or us.  By seeking to advance God’s interest, we will advance our own self-interest just as Jesus did.  For the joy that was set before Him, Jesus advanced the interest of the Father.  In doing so, He advanced His own self-interest. 
The same is true for us.  For the joy that is set before us, let us seek justice, righteousness, holiness and mercy.  Let us become the people who serve, not the people seeking to be served.  By doing so, we will advance the Father’s interest along with our own. 
Finally, Israel’s failure to heed God’s warning through His prophet Amos resulted in their destruction.  America has a long history and legacy of racism, terrorism and oppression of minority groups.  If we love this nation as we say we do, then let us embrace this opportunity to silence those once and for all who continue to silence and malign those who call for justice and righteousness. 
Those whose rhetoric and behavior only inflame and stir up deep rooted seeds of division, hatred and differences.  Those who use distractions and perversions to keep us from addressing the issues that prevent us from becoming the caring, compassionate, just, merciful and righteous people God has called His people to be. 
Some congregations are starting to reassemble as many of the health and safety restrictions are lifted.  As we prepare to return to worship and gather again, let us do so with a renewed determination to correct what we have been doing wrong.  Given what we know about God and where we are now in human history, it will be both dangerous and unwise for us to continue our worship with business as usual.  This kind of worship God hates and will remove from His sight.  
Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices.  Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday June 1 2020


Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “A Change in the Law”. 

Yesterday’s message was delivered in the backdrop of a nationwide protest and outrage over the public arrest and subsequent murder of an unarmed black citizen in Minneapolis, Minnesota that has been seen throughout America and around the world. 

Along with the protest and demonstrations, rioting and destruction of both public and private property has occurred in many places.  This behavior by police, mainly against nonwhite people, has its roots in laws that have defended law enforcement and private citizen’s use of deadly force against such people that date back to colonial America. 

Beginning in colonial Virginia, nonwhite people were systematically denied citizenship and the protection of the law.  In fact, laws were enacted that protected those who injured or killed nonwhite people from prosecution for their actions. 

After nonwhite people were granted citizenship, the laws that protected law enforcement officers and others from prosecution of crimes against nonwhite people remained and continued as nonwhite people became citizens. 

To this day, the law gives a pass to the mistreatment of nonwhite citizens.  Stand your ground laws and citizen arrest laws are all intended to protect people from prosecution of crimes against nonwhite citizens.

 In order to stop the unjust and brutal treatment of nonwhite citizens, there has to be a change in the law.  The law has to stop protecting those who perpetrate these wrongful acts and begin protecting all citizens. 

The first act that can be taken is to charge anyone who kills an unarmed person with murder no questions asked.  Murders have been protected by so-called “fear for my life” and “perceived threats” defenses of the deadly actions. 

These defenses should no longer be allowed to be used to justify killing unarmed citizens.  Ignorance and misperception can’t be allowed to continue to justify the taking of human life if full protect of the law for all citizens is to be achieved.  

In order to get the law changed, citizens most affected by the unjust law must act lawfully to win over a majority of people to see that the law is changed.  But until that happens, crimes like we keep on witnessing will continue as long as the killers are protected by the law. 

There has no doubt been countless other killings and injustices that have occurred in the past and are still occurring that we have no knowledge of.  But with today’s ubiquitous presence of video recording devices and the advent of social media, crimes against nonwhite citizens has become increasingly likely to be captured and exposed. 

Jesus came and changed the understanding of the law of God.  People thought they could love the neighbors and hate their enemies.  But Jesus told those who are the children of God that they must love their enemies. 

For most people, this is a change in the law.  It is a divine law which supersede all other law.  God’s people do not have the option of hating, mistreating or retaliating against anyone.  They are not allowed to return evil for evil.  They must trust God to punish evildoers in His own way in His own time. 

A change is the law is necessary for America to move pass its legacy of racism and mistreatment of nonwhite people before all citizens will be treated with the same respect and dignity.  God requires mankind to adhere to a change in our understand of His law to be accepted as one of His children. 

Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices.  Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments


Pastor Jordan



Fine Points Monday May 25 2020


Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “Faith Neutralizes the Law”. 

Laws are rules and standards by which predictions can be made, decisions and judgements can be based upon, sense made out of the world, people and things work together and order is formed from chaos. 

Human law consists of all the rules and standards people have made to control and promote the interaction between people. 

Natural laws are those found in nature that describe the behavior of things.  They help make sense of our world and environment. They make science possible which leads to all kind of technological advancements and discoveries.  Natural laws are interdependent and work in harmony with each other so as to make life possible. 

Divine law is another kind or category of law.  Divine law consists of all law given by the Creator or God.  Natural law is a subset of Divine law.  Divine law is where good and evil, right and wrong are defined.  These laws are called moral law. 

The breaking of these moral laws is called sin.  The bible describes sin as the breaking or transgressing of the law.  It further states that all lawlessness is sin.  The result or consequences for breaking moral law is death.  Faith neutralizes the effects of the law.  To neutralize something is to take away its’ power, influence or effect. 

Faith neutralizes the law by taking away its’ power to cause death.  Paul said the sting of death is sin and the power or strength of sin is the law.  Faith disarms sin of its power by neutralizing the law.  The law no longer applies to those who have faith and thereby takes away the power of sin to cause death. 

Faith is greater than the law because the man can’t be justified by the works of the law, but can be justified by faith.  Faith honors God.  Faith believes God.  Faith pleases God.  Those who have and do these things fulfill and surpass the requirements of the law.  Those who do not have them will face the consequences of breaking the law. 

Moral law can be known through the conscience of every person.  A person’s conscience will inform them of good and evil and right and wrong.  These moral laws are imprinted in mankind as part of their design. 

God used the nation of Israel to codify His moral law so as to leave no doubt of what they are.  Abraham, the father of faith, didn’t have the law but was justified because he believed and had faith in God.  He was justified not by how he obeyed or kept God’s moral law, but by his faith in God.  His faith neutralized the law and the power of sin to cause eternal death. 

The same thing applies to us today.  Faith in God through Jesus Christ removes the law from judging us and bringing us into condemnation for our failure to abide by it.  Faith has made the law of no consequence thereby rendering it neutral in our standing or judgement before God.  On the other hand, those without faith will face the full power and effects of the law. 

Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices.  Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments


Pastor Jordan



Fine Points Monday May 18 2020

Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “The Good Shepherd”. 
There are two groups of people in the world.  Some are believers and most are unbelievers.  Some are saved, but most are lost.  God made this world knowing that the vast majority of people would be unbelievers and lost. 
To save His children from that fate, like a shepherd seeking his sheep, Jesus came to seek and save God’s children.  The imagery of the shepherd and sheep is used in several places in the bible.  Sheep need and rely on a shepherd to meet their needs, provide protection and guidance.
When the Jews asked Jesus for a definitive answer to whether He is the Christ, He told them He had already answered that question and they didn’t believe Him because they are not His sheep or people.  Jesus declares that His people or sheep believe Him, follow Him and recognize His voice.  Those who don’t believe Him are not those God created the world for.  They are not those Jesus came seeking for and died for.  
The Good Shepherd laid down His own life for the life of the sheep.  By doing this, He gives them eternal life and secures their salvation.  The imagery is used again when Jesus describes the judgement.  He said He shall come and sit upon the throne of His glory and gather all nations before Him.  He shall separate them like a shepherd divides or separates His sheep from His goats.  The righteous or believer He describes as sheep and everyone else as goats. 
One other example of the “Good Shepherd” appears in what is probably one of the most quoted or know scripture text.  The 23rd Psalm begins with the words “The Lord is my Shepherd”.  There is a relationship of trust, dependence and devotion that exist between the shepherd and the sheep. 
As Christians, we trust God, believe God, depend on God and love God.  God truly is the Good Shepherd who came and found us.  We are in His hands.  We can rest assured that He has our best interest at heart and will work all things out for our good. 
Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices.  Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday May 11 2020


Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “In Covenant With God”.  To whom do or what can we attribute our existence to? 

There are only two possibilities.  Either we were created or we were not.  If we were not created, then there is no reasonable explanation that current science can account for our existence.  If we are created, then the Bible offers the best explanation of who and why we were created. 

The Bible says that God created mankind.  The reason why God created mankind is for mankind to share an eternal relationship with Him.  God made man after His kind.  He made man so that man could understand and relate to Himself.  This is the purpose for man’s existence according to the Bible. 

To accomplish this, God entered into covenant with man.  A covenant is a type of agreement where both parties of the covenant agree to certain things.  God promises to be our provider.  He provides everything that is necessary for life.  We promise to abide by His commandments. 

All of His commandments are intended to provide us the maximum about of liberty with the least amount of restrictions.  God has determined that some things are off limits and out of bounds in order for there to be peace and harmony according to His will. 

God outlines these things in His covenant which basically comes down to two things.  The first thing is that what God says must be obeyed.  The second is that everyone must treat everyone else like they themselves would want to be treated.  Jesus said the whole law of God is summed up into these two commandments. 

Though God was and is a good provider, it wasn’t enough for people to keep His covenant.  So He decided to make a new covenant based upon His demonstrated desire and love for those He has made. 

In the person of Jesus Christ, God became one of His own creatures, walked and worked among them, taught them by example the two commandments and endured extreme suffering to prove the lengths He was willing to go to have this eternal relation with them.  This new covenant was sealed in God’s own blood. 

Therefore, the motivation for entering and keeping God’s new covenant is love and gratitude which replaces the former covenant with its emphasis on God’s provision and blessings for obedience. 

God decided to use covenants to transform and nurture His relationship with mankind from one of Creator / creature to Creator / Child.  If we had the choice, none of us would choose to let our children die.  But we would want them to outlive us. 

If God’s goal is to create or make unto Himself sons and daughters, why would He want any of them to die?  The truth is He doesn’t and this is why God is seeking an eternal relationship with those of us He has made that we might become His eternal sons and daughters. 

Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices.  Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments


Pastor Jordan



Fine Points Monday May 4 2020


Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “This Is A Test”. 

The American Association of Broadcasters have developed a test of the EBS to warn the public in case of an emergency.  They need to be sure that the system will work.  God needs to be sure that we will work if given the privilege of entering His holy and eternal kingdom.  The best way to do that is to test us. 

A test is designed to reveal how something or someone will perform under specific circumstances and situations.  God doesn’t have to wait for us to enter His kingdom to know how we will behave or perform.  He has set up conditions in this world to do just that.  This interruption in Sunday meeting is just the latest situation to arise that will test the authenticity of our faith. 

What are we doing now that we have a reason not to physically meet on Sunday morning.  Some of us could begin to behave and do like others who do bother to come to church or don’t see church attendance as important. 

We can begin to lose sight of the reason we are Christians and why we attend church meetings in the first place.  It can expose a shallow faith that doesn’t go much beyond the surface.  When the opportunity presents itself to do nothing, that is exactly what we will do. 

This is a test that exposes our commitment and devotion to God.  God tested Abraham the father of our faith.  As the seed and children of Abraham, God is testing us.  The conditions in the world places pressure on us to abandon and compromise our faith. 

We have been deceived into believing we can compromise with sin and still be accepted by God.  We hear and see others say that it doesn’t take all that.  I’m sure that Noah and Lot saw and heard similar things in their time.  They were constantly bombarded with unrighteousness and appeals to join the crowd and abandon their faith in God. 

But God knows how and will delivery His children out of temptation while preserving the unjust and ungodly for judgement.  The weeks and months ahead are going to bring a new set of challenges for the people of God.  How we react and adjust to these changes will serve as a test of our faithfulness to God. 

The temptation to find an excuse not to apply our faith and relax our commitment to holiness and godliness will intensify as more barriers and obstacles arise out of the need to social distance.  The church, like so many other human activities, is based upon social interaction.  Anything that hinders the ability to be social or limit human contact will interfere with the mission of the Church. 

One of the reasons we meet on Sunday, is to gather strength and encouragement from each other.  Without that interaction, we lose an important aspect of our ability to resist temptation.  This is a test. 

What are you doing on Sunday morning?  What are you doing during the week?  How are you keeping yourself spiritually aligned and in tune with the Lord our God?  What are you doing with the tithes and offerings you were giving on Sunday?  This is a test. God will help His people to overcome not only this, but every temptation that is and shall come their way. 

Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices.  Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments


Pastor Jordan



Fine Points Monday April 27 2020


Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “Disrespecting Boundaries”. 

Hosea prophesied in Israel at a time before their captivity at the peak of their prosperity.  God said of them that there was no faith, mercy or knowledge of God in the land.  Furthermore, the land was filled with swearing, lying, killing and stealing, adultery and bloodshed.  People were consumed with luxury, oppression and vice.  They lived with no restraints or boundaries. 

This is a good characterization of the United States and much of the world.  We are ignoring the restraints of those before us and doing just about anything we think we can get away with doing.  We are disrespecting and pushing aside those things that helped to maintain moral and social order in a God-fearing society. 

As a consequence, generations are coming into their own without the knowledge of God.  They are merciless and faithless because they don’t know or reverence their Creator so they don’t respect His boundaries.  God’s boundaries are cosmic, they govern all things and establish order. 

When boundaries are trespassed, chaos always follows.  All sin, evil and wickedness is a result of some boundary being trespassed and disrespected.  God said through Hosea, that much, if not all, of the blame lay at the feet of the priest and prophets.  It was and is their responsibility to teach, inform and show the people God’s boundaries. 

Instead of doing that, they were joining in and encouraging the people to live without restraints.  God said they would no longer be His priest.  Today, the Church acts and serves as God’s priest.  All of us who name the name of Christ as our Lord and Savior are priests.  But instead of behaving like God’s priest, we are behaving like the people we have been called to help redeem. 

When we are disrespecting God’s boundaries, we lose any salt or light to help others discover and observe His boundaries.  Not only that, but we also lose the privilege to be called God’s priest. 

Finally, because the nation and world failed to respect boundaries, evils like viruses, pandemics and many other evils will not respect our boundaries.  But God is in a position to heal the land if we will begin to respect His laws and commands and respect His boundaries. 

I plan to host a “Church Chat” on Wednesday beginning at 6:30 in the Church Online.  So spread the word and join me if you can.  Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices. 

Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page, website and mobile app.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments


Pastor Jordan



Fine Points Monday April 20 2020

Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “Our Family Business”. 
A simple way of thinking about the word business is to think about it as whatever a person is busy doing.  There’s about as many businesses as there are people doing things.  We often hear people say “stay out of my business” which means don’t concern yourself with what I’m doing.  Others want people to concern themselves with their business because their business is dependent on others. 
The boy Jesus at the age of twelve was getting on with His Father’s business.  Their business is the business of everyone in their family which includes everyone who calls upon Jesus as Lord and Savior.  God’s going concern or business is seeking and saving His lost children. 
The Church of Jesus Christ was established for this business.  Today, most people, including many within the church, think of and identify the church as the place where they meet or the building.  But the building is not the church, but an asset used for the business of the church. 
But because so much of the church’s business is conducted within and from that building, that without the use of the building as a meeting place, the church business of seeking and saving the lost is all but come to a halt in some places. 
The current concerns for the spread of Covid-19 has caused nearly all nonessential public assemblies, including the church, to close or limit their number to 10.  The church, and many others, must change their primary business model in order to continue to operate in this environment. 
One way to get around physical restrictions is to use the internet as a means to keep operating.  Many businesses are using the internet to stay connected with those who are essential to and the object of their business.  We too in the church must learn to do the same. 
Our mission and work are outside the building we meet in, but we have become content with what we do inside the building.  The people who are the object of our business rarely come inside the building.  It seems God is taking this imposition to force His children to rethink and image how to conduct our family business of seeking and saving His lost children, our brothers and sisters. 
Let us do what God is forcing us to do and use this situation as a way to look for new and innovated ways to reach those God has called us to reach.  Many of them may never step foot inside the building.  Over a lifetime we are subject to see many changes.  Let’s embrace this need to change in order to keep our family business alive, thriving and ongoing.    
I plan to host a “Church Chat” on Wednesday beginning at 6:30 in the Church Online.  So spread the word and join me if you can.  Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices. 
Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page, website and mobile app.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday April 13 2020


Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “Easter Means”. 

For most people around the country and in many parts of the world, Easter was spent somewhere other than in a physical house of worship alongside friends and loved ones.  Because of physical and social distancing requirements in effect caused by the coronavirus pandemic, church and many other institutions have been unable to physically assemble people together as usual.

While many, if not most, pastors found a way to get a message to their congregations, some had no work around for the problem they felt they could implement.  Until we are able to reassemble, people are doing what that can to stay in touch without actually touching or what is called “virtual” meeting. 

Virtual meeting is a way to simulate a physical environment without being in one.  We attempted to do that yesterday and had a fair measure of success.  The Sunday School and Mission Session didn’t experience any problems with members talking and seeing each other and the teacher. 

We had a few problems with an echo during the Morning Worship period that limited the quality of the video recording and live stream.  Hopefully, we can find a solution to that problem.  Even though we encountered some problems, we were still able to communicate with each other and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Yesterday’s message was an explanation of what Easter really means.  Easter means those who assert that earth and all the complex organism within it, including mankind is the result of an accident or random chance made up of space and star dust are wrong and should not be believed. 

Easter means since we are no accident, then we must have come into existence by design or purpose.  And anything made with design or purpose must have a designer or Creator.  Easter means that the Creator has made an attempt to inform His creation about their Creator and purpose. 

Easter means that all obstacles to restoration of good and proper relationship between the God and mankind have been removed.  Easter means that Jesus Christ has conquered death for all of mankind and that we no longer need fear death. 

Easter means everyone has a choice to make and has to give an account for that choice at the judgement seat of Christ.  Easter means that Jesus is Lord and King and all authority in Heaven and earth belongs to Him.  These are just a few of the things Easter means. 

I miss seeing and fellowshipping with all of you.  Some of you I have seen and spoken to online and many others I haven’t seen since the 5th Sunday in March or later.  I plan to have a “Church Chat” on Wednesday of this beginning a 6:30 in the Church Online.  During our time together I just want to see you, talk to you, discuss a scripture or two and the path forward.  So spread the word and join me if you can. 

Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices.  Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page, website and mobile app.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments

Pastor Jordan
